Moray Council - Wednesday 19 February 2025, 9:30am - Vote_events Tab - Moray Council Webcasting

Moray Council
Wednesday, 19th February 2025 at 9:30am 









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  1. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  2. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  3. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  4. Councillor Bridget Mustard
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  2. Councillor Donald Gatt
  3. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  4. Councillor Sonya Warren
  5. Councillor Theresa Coull
  6. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  7. Councillor Theresa Coull
  8. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
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  1. Councillor Theresa Coull
  2. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  3. Councillor Marc Macrae
  4. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  5. Councillor Theresa Coull
  6. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
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  1. Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
  2. Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
  3. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  4. Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
  5. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  6. Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
  7. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  8. Councillor Sonya Warren
  9. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  10. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  11. Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
  12. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  13. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  14. Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
  15. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  16. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  17. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  18. Vote 1 - Resolution
    Status: In progress
  19. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  20. Vote 1 - Resolution
    Status: Ended
  21. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  22. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  23. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  24. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  25. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
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  1. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  2. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  3. Judith Proctor, Chief Off HSCM
  4. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  5. Councillor Bridget Mustard
  6. Judith Proctor, Chief Off HSCM
  7. Judith Proctor, Chief Off HSCM
  8. Councillor Sonya Warren
  9. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  10. Judith Proctor, Chief Off HSCM
  11. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  12. Councillor Sonya Warren
  13. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  14. Councillor Derek Ross
  15. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  16. Councillor Theresa Coull
  17. Judith Proctor, Chief Off HSCM
  18. Councillor Marc Macrae
  19. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  20. Councillor James Allan
  21. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  22. Judith Proctor, Chief Off HSCM
  23. Councillor James Allan
  24. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
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  1. Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
  2. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  3. Councillor Sonya Warren
  4. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  5. Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
  6. Officer
  7. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  8. Councillor Sonya Warren
  9. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  10. Officer
  11. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  12. Councillor Sonya Warren
  13. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  14. John Mundell, Interim Chief Exec
  15. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  16. Councillor Sandy Keith
  17. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  18. Officer
  19. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  20. Councillor Sandy Keith
  21. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  22. Officer
  23. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  24. Councillor John Cowe
  25. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  26. Officer
  27. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  28. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  29. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  30. Officer
  31. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  32. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  33. Officer
  34. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  35. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  36. Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
  37. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  38. Councillor Juli Harris
  39. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  40. Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
  41. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  42. Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
  43. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
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  1. Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
  2. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  3. Councillor Scott Lawrence
  4. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  5. Officer
  6. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  7. Councillor Scott Lawrence
  8. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  9. Councillor Bridget Mustard
  10. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  11. Officer
  12. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  13. Officer
  14. Councillor Bridget Mustard
  15. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  16. Officer
  17. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  18. Officer
  19. Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
  20. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  21. Councillor Sonya Warren
  22. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  23. Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
  24. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  25. Councillor Donald Gatt
  26. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  27. Officer
  28. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  29. John Mundell, Interim Chief Exec
  30. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  31. Councillor Theresa Coull
  32. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  33. Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
  34. Officer
  35. Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
  36. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  37. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  38. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  39. Councillor John Cowe
  40. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  41. Rhona Gunn, DCE (EEF)
  42. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  43. Councillor Derek Ross
  44. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  45. Councillor Derek Ross
  46. Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
  47. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  48. Councillor Derek Ross
  49. Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
  50. Councillor Derek Ross
  51. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
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  1. Officer
  2. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  3. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  4. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  5. Councillor Sandy Keith
  6. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  7. Councillor Scott Lawrence
  8. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Share this agenda point
  1. Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
  2. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  3. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  4. Councillor Sonya Warren
  5. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  6. Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
  7. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  8. Councillor Sonya Warren
  9. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  10. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  11. Councillor Sonya Warren
  12. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  2. Councillor Sandy Keith
  3. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  4. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  5. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  6. Councillor Marc Macrae
  7. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  8. Councillor Amber Dunbar
  9. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  10. Officer
  11. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  12. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  13. Vote 2 - Brown Bin
    Status: In progress
  14. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  15. Vote 2 - Brown Bin
    Status: Ended
  16. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  17. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
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  1. Officer
  2. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  3. Councillor Amber Dunbar
  4. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  5. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  6. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  7. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  2. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  3. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  4. Councillor Scott Lawrence
  5. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  6. Councillor Sandy Keith
  7. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  8. Councillor Derek Ross
  9. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  10. Councillor John Cowe
  11. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  12. Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
  13. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  14. Councillor Amber Dunbar
  15. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  16. Councillor Marc Macrae
  17. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  18. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  19. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  20. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  21. Vote 3 - A96
    Status: In progress
  22. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  23. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  24. Vote 3 - A96
    Status: Ended
  25. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  26. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  27. Beverley Smith, Act Head of EG&D
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  2. Councillor Scott Lawrence
  3. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  4. Councillor Amber Dunbar
  5. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  6. Councillor Donald Gatt
  7. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  8. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  9. Councillor Juli Harris
  10. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  11. Councillor Sonya Warren
  12. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  13. Councillor Scott Lawrence
  14. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  15. Officer
  16. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  17. Councillor Marc Macrae
  18. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  19. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  20. Councillor Amber Dunbar
  21. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  22. Councillor Donald Gatt
  23. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  24. Councillor Scott Lawrence
  25. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  26. Councillor Sonya Warren
  27. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  28. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  29. Vote 4 - Tourist Levy
    Status: In progress
  30. Councillor Sonya Warren
  31. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  32. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  33. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  34. Councillor Marc Macrae
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  2. Officer
  3. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  4. Councillor Derek Ross
  5. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  6. Officer
  7. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  8. Rhona Gunn, DCE (EEF)
  9. Councillor Derek Ross
  10. Councillor Derek Ross
  11. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  12. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  13. Officer
  14. Councillor Derek Ross
  15. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  16. Rhona Gunn, DCE (EEF)
  17. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  18. Councillor Sonya Warren
  19. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  20. Officer
  21. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  22. Councillor Marc Macrae
  23. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  24. Councillor Sandy Keith
  25. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  26. Rhona Gunn, DCE (EEF)
  27. Councillor Sandy Keith
  28. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  29. Councillor Marc Macrae
  30. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
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Share this agenda point
  1. Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
  2. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  3. Councillor Scott Lawrence
  4. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  5. Councillor Derek Ross
  6. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  7. Councillor Sandy Keith
  8. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  9. Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
  10. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  11. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  12. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  13. Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
  14. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  15. Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
  16. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  17. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  18. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  19. Councillor Sonya Warren
  20. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  21. Councillor Donald Gatt
  22. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  23. Councillor Bridget Mustard
  24. Councillor Sandy Keith
  25. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  26. Councillor Sandy Keith
  27. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  28. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  29. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  30. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  31. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
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  1. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  2. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  3. Vote 5 - Remuneration 1
    Status: In progress
  4. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  5. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  6. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  7. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  8. Councillor Scott Lawrence
  9. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  10. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  11. Councillor Derek Ross
  12. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  13. Councillor Derek Ross
  14. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  15. Vote 6 - Remuneration 2
    Status: In progress
  16. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  17. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  18. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  19. Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
  20. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  21. Councillor Kathleen Robertson
  22. Webcast Finished

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