Special Moray Council - Thursday 19 December 2024, 9:30am - Moray Council Webcasting
Special Moray Council
Thursday, 19th December 2024 at 9:30am
Agenda item :
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Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Agenda item :
2. Declarations of Group Decisions and Members Interests
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Agenda item :
3. Notice of Motion - Members Conduct in Relation to the Budget Process
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Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
John Mundell, Interim Chief Exec
Agenda item :
3. Notice of Motion - Members Conduct in Relation to the Budget Process
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Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Ben Williams
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Ben Williams
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Ben Williams
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Theresa Coull
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Neil McLennan
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor John Cowe
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Neil McLennan
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Neil McLennan
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor John Divers
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Webcast Finished