Corporate Committee - Tuesday 5 November 2024, 9:30am - Moray Council Webcasting
Corporate Committee
Tuesday, 5th November 2024 at 9:30am
Agenda item :
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Councillor Bridget Mustard
Tracey Sutherland, D S Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
2. Declaration of Group Decisions and Members Interests
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Agenda item :
3. Resolution
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Agenda item :
4. Minutes of meeting on 27 August 2024
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Agenda item :
5. Written Questions
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Agenda item :
6. Complaints Annual Report 2023-24
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Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Theresa Coull
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
7. Annual Procurement Report 202324
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Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Theresa Coull
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Agenda item :
7. Annual Procurement Report 202324
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Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
8. Best Value Action Plan Monitoring Quarterly Report
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Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
9. Corporate Risk Register
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Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
10. Property Performance Indicators
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Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Rhona Gunn, DCE (EEF)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
11. Performance Report - Financial Services
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Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
12. Performance Report - Governance, Strategy and Performance
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Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Theresa Coull
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
13. Performance Report - HR, ICT and OD
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Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Theresa Coull
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Rhona Gunn, DCE (EEF)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
14. Armed Forces Covenant Gold Award
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Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
15. Sustainable Development Statement
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Rhona Gunn, DCE (EEF)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
16. Transformation Strategy Development
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Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
17. Flag Flying Policy
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Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor John Divers
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Theresa Coull
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
18. Moray Gaelic Language Plan
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Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Webcast Finished