Corporate Committee - Tuesday 11 June 2024, 9:30am - Moray Council Webcasting
Corporate Committee
Tuesday, 11th June 2024 at 9:30am
Agenda item :
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Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
1. Sederunt
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Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
4. Minutes of meeting of 23 April 2024
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Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
5. Written Questions
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Agenda item :
6. Performance Report (HR ICT and OD)
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Frances Garrow, HR, ICT & OD
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Theresa Coull
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Frances Garrow, HR, ICT & OD
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Frances Garrow, HR, ICT & OD
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Frances Garrow, HR, ICT & OD
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Frances Garrow, HR, ICT & OD
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
7. Performance Report (Governance, Strategy and Performance)
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Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor John Divers
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
8. HR, IT & OD and Governance, Strategy and Performance Service Plans 2023-24
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Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Frances Garrow, HR, ICT & OD
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Frances Garrow, HR, ICT & OD
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Theresa Coull
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Theresa Coull
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
9. Local Government Benchmarking Framework 2022-23 and 2021-22 Results
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Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
10. Workforce Working Group
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Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Kathleen Robertson
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
11. Performance Report (Financial Services)
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Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor John Cowe
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor John Cowe
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor John Cowe
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
12. Financial Services Service Plan
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Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
13. Common Good Funds - Summary Expenditure for 2023-24 and Estimated Disposable Income for 2024-25
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Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor John Cowe
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor John Cowe
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Theresa Coull
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
14. Property Asset Management Appraisal
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Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
15. Information Reports - if called in
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Webcast Finished