Planning and Regulatory Services Committee - Tuesday 22 October 2024, 9:30am - Moray Council Webcasting
Planning and Regulatory Services Committee
Tuesday, 22nd October 2024 at 9:30am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Councillor David Gordon
Lissa Rowan, Clerk
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Agenda item :
2 Declaration of Group Decisions and Members Interests
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Agenda item :
3 Minute of meeting dated 13 August 2024
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Councillor David Gordon
Agenda item :
4 Written Questions
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Agenda item :
5 Notice of Motion - Short Term Lets
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Councillor David Gordon
Agenda item :
6 Planning Application 23/02239/AMC
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Richard Smith, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor David Gordon
Richard Smith, Planning
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Richard Smith, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Beverley Smith, Act Head of EG&D
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor David Gordon
Richard Smith, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Richard Smith, Planning
Neal MacPherson, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Richard Smith, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Richard Smith, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor John Divers
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Richard Smith, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Beverley Smith, Act Head of EG&D
Beverley Smith, Act Head of EG&D
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor John Divers
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor John Cowe
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor John Cowe
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor John Cowe
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor John Cowe
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor David Gordon
Agenda item :
7 Planning Application 24/00986/APP
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Councillor David Gordon
Richard Smith, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Agenda item :
8 Planning Application 24/00705/APP
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Councillor David Gordon
Richard Smith, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Richard Smith, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Richard Smith, Planning
Richard Smith, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Richard Smith, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Richard Smith, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Beverley Smith, Act Head of EG&D
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor John Divers
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Beverley Smith, Act Head of EG&D
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Neal MacPherson, Planning
Councillor David Gordon
Beverley Smith, Act Head of EG&D
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor John Cowe
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor David Gordon
Beverley Smith, Act Head of EG&D
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor David Gordon
Agenda item :
9 24/01139/PAN
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Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor David Gordon
Agenda item :
10 24/01424/PAN
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Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor David Gordon
Agenda item :
11 Consultation on Section 36
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Andrew Miller, Snr Planning Off
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Andrew Miller, Snr Planning Off
Councillor David Gordon
Andrew Miller, Snr Planning Off
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor David Gordon
Agenda item :
12 Employment Land Audit 2024
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Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Agenda item :
13 Moray Development Plan - Planning Policy Guidance
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Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Aileen Scott, Legal Adviser
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor David Gordon
Eily Webster, Snr Planning Off
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor David Gordon
Beverley Smith, Act Head of EG&D
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor David Gordon
Agenda item :
14 Food Law Enforcement Service Delivery Plan 2024-2025
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Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor John Cowe
Councillor David Gordon
Webcast Finished