Housing and Community Safety Committee - Tuesday 10 September 2024, 9:30am - Moray Council Webcasting
Housing and Community Safety Committee
Tuesday, 10th September 2024 at 9:30am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Councillor Amber Dunbar
Lissa Rowan, Clerk
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Agenda item :
2 Declaration of Group Decisions and Members Interests *
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Agenda item :
3 Resolution
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Agenda item :
4 Minute of meeting dated 25 June 2024
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Agenda item :
5 Written Questions **
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Agenda item :
6 Housing Investment Plan Update
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Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Juli Harris
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor John Divers
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Agenda item :
7 Moray Affordable Housing Investment Programme
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Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Agenda item :
8 Scottish Social Housing Charter Compliance
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Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Juli Harris
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Juli Harris
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Shona Morrison
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Agenda item :
9 Grass Cutting Scheme Review
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Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Ms Eliz McKnockiter - Tenant Rep
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Sandy Keith
Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Ms Eliz McKnockiter - Tenant Rep
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Ms Eliz McKnockiter - Tenant Rep
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Agenda item :
10 Moray Home Energy Efficiency Programme
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Councillor Amber Dunbar
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Agenda item :
11 Housing and Property Services Budget Report - 30 June 2024
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Edward Thomas, Head of H&PS
Councillor Amber Dunbar
Webcast Finished