Education, Children's and Leisure Services Committee - Tuesday 14 May 2024, 9:30am - Moray Council Webcasting
Education, Children's and Leisure Services Committee
Tuesday, 14th May 2024 at 9:30am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Councillor Bridget Mustard
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
2. Declaration of Group Decisions and Members Interests
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Agenda item :
3. Resolution
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Agenda item :
4. Minutes
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Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor John Divers
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
5. Written Questions
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Agenda item :
6. Briefing Report: Receipt of Petition - Allocation of ELC Places in Moray
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Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Juli Harris
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Shona Morrison
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Shona Morrison
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Juli Harris
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Juli Harris
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
7. Education Scotland Inspection - Jack and Jill Nursery, Elgin
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Agenda item :
10a. Learning Estate Strategy - Programme Delivery Update
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Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
10b. Learning Estate Programme Update - Future Forres Academy Site Selection
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Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Susan Slater - Secondary Rep
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Susan Slater - Secondary Rep
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Susan Slater - Secondary Rep
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Andy Hall, Programme Manager
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
7. Education Scotland Inspection - Jack and Jill Nursery, Elgin
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Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Tracy Colyer
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
8. Education Scotland Inspection - Seafield Nursery, Elgin
Share this agenda point
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
9. Performance Report - Education Resources and Communities - Period to 31 March 2024
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Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Shona Morrison
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
10. Partnership Community Learning and Development Plan (2024-2027)
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Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Shona Morrison
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
10a. Learning Estate Strategy - Programme Delivery Update
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Agenda item :
10b. Learning Estate Programme Update - Future Forres Academy Site Selection
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Agenda item :
11. Performance Report - Education - Period to 31 March 2024
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Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Susan Slater - Secondary Rep
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
12. Analysis of Secondary School Leaver Attainment 2022-23
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Stewart McLauchlan, QIM
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Susan Slater - Secondary Rep
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Stewart McLauchlan, QIM
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Denise Whitworth, DCE (ECOD)
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Stewart McLauchlan, QIM
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor John Divers
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
13. Education Scotland Inspection - Seafield Primary School
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Councillor Bridget Mustard
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Stewart McLauchlan, QIM
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Stewart McLauchlan, QIM
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Stewart McLauchlan, QIM
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sandy Keith
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Paul McBain
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
14. Education Scotland Inspection (Continuing Engagement) - St Peters RC Primary School
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Stewart McLauchlan, QIM
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Stewart McLauchlan, QIM
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Sonya Warren
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Juli Harris
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Agenda item :
15. Education Scotland Inspection (Continuing Engagement) - Forres Academy
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Stewart McLauchlan, QIM
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Derek Ross
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Vivienne Cross, Head of Educ
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Councillor Scott Lawrence
Councillor Bridget Mustard
Webcast Finished
Councillor Bridget Mustard
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