Audit and Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday 8 May 2024, 9:30am - Moray Council Webcasting
Audit and Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday, 8th May 2024 at 9:30am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Agenda item :
2. Declaration of Group Decisions and Members Interests
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Agenda item :
3. Minute of meeting of 14 February 2024
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Agenda item :
4. Written Questions
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Agenda item :
5. Internal Audit Section Update Report
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Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Roddy Burns, Chief Executive
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Roddy Burns, Chief Executive
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Marc Macrae
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Peter Bloomfield
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Alasdair McEachan, Legal Adviser
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor David Gordon
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Roddy Burns, Chief Executive
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Agenda item :
6. Internal Audit Section - Completed Projects Report
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Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Roddy Burns, Chief Executive
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Donald Gatt
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Margaret Wilson, External Member
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Roddy Burns, Chief Executive
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor David Gordon
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Roddy Burns, Chief Executive
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Donald Gatt
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Donald Gatt
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Donald Gatt
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Agenda item :
7. Annual Audit Plan for Year Ending 31 March 2024
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Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Margaret Wilson, External Member
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Margaret Wilson, External Member
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Margaret Wilson, External Member
Margaret Wilson, External Member
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Agenda item :
8. National Fraud Initiative 2022-23
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Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Margaret Wilson, External Member
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Margaret Wilson, External Member
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Marc Macrae
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Margaret Wilson, External Member
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Graham Leadbitter
Roddy Burns, Chief Executive
Councillor Graham Leadbitter