Grampian Valuation Joint Board - Friday 31 January 2025, 9:30am - Moray Council Webcasting
Grampian Valuation Joint Board
Friday, 31st January 2025 at 9:30am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Lindsey Robinson, Clerk
Councillor Donald Gatt
Lindsey Robinson, Clerk
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
3. Minute of the meeting held 4 October 2024
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
4. Internal Audit Plan 2025-26
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Dafydd Lewis, Internal Audit
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
5. Annual Audit Report for the financial year ending 31 March 2024
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
6. Audited Accounts Report for the year ending 31 March 2024
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Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
7. Revenue Budget Monitoring Statement 1 April to 31 December 2024
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Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Agenda item :
8. Financial Planning for 2025-26 and Future Years
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
9. Governance - Accommodation
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Lindsey Robinson, Clerk
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
10. Governance - Policies
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
11. Valuation Roll and Council Tax Valuation List
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
12. Electoral Registration
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
13. Vacancies
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
14. Public Performance
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
15. Question Time
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Webcast Finished