Grampian Valuation Joint Board - Friday 28 June 2024, 9:30am - Vote_events Tab - Moray Council Webcasting

Grampian Valuation Joint Board
Friday, 28th June 2024 at 9:30am 









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  1. Councillor Donald Gatt
  2. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  3. Councillor Donald Gatt
  4. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  5. Councillor Donald Gatt
  6. Councillor Donald Gatt
  7. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  8. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  9. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  10. Councillor Donald Gatt
  11. Councillor Donald Gatt
  12. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  13. Councillor Donald Gatt
  14. Councillor Donald Gatt
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Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor Donald Gatt
  2. Councillor Donald Gatt
Share this agenda point
  1. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  2. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  3. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  4. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  5. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  6. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  7. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  8. Appt of Depute Convener
    Status: In progress
  9. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  10. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  11. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  12. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  13. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  14. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  15. Councillor Donald Gatt
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  1. Officer
  2. Councillor Donald Gatt
  3. Councillor Donald Gatt
  4. Councillor Donald Gatt
  5. Councillor Donald Gatt
  6. Officer
  7. Councillor Donald Gatt
  8. Councillor Donald Gatt
  9. Councillor Donald Gatt
  10. Officer
  11. Councillor Donald Gatt
  12. Officer
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  1. Councillor Donald Gatt
  2. Councillor Donald Gatt
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor Donald Gatt
  2. Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
  3. Councillor Donald Gatt
  4. Councillor Donald Gatt
  5. Councillor Donald Gatt
  6. Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
  7. Councillor Donald Gatt
  8. Councillor Donald Gatt
  9. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  10. Councillor Donald Gatt
  11. Councillor Donald Gatt
  12. Councillor Donald Gatt
  13. Councillor Donald Gatt
  14. Councillor Donald Gatt
  15. Councillor Donald Gatt
  16. Councillor Donald Gatt
  17. Councillor Donald Gatt
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor Donald Gatt
  2. Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
  3. Councillor Donald Gatt
  4. Councillor Donald Gatt
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  1. Councillor Donald Gatt
  2. Councillor Donald Gatt
  3. Councillor Donald Gatt
  4. Councillor Donald Gatt
  5. Councillor Donald Gatt
  6. Councillor Donald Gatt
  7. Councillor Donald Gatt
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  1. Councillor Donald Gatt
  2. Councillor Donald Gatt
  3. Councillor Donald Gatt
  4. Councillor Donald Gatt
  5. Councillor Donald Gatt
  6. Councillor Donald Gatt
  7. Councillor Donald Gatt
  8. Councillor Donald Gatt
  9. Councillor Donald Gatt
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  1. Councillor Donald Gatt
  2. Councillor Donald Gatt
  3. Councillor Donald Gatt
  4. Councillor Donald Gatt
  5. Councillor Donald Gatt
  6. Councillor Donald Gatt
  7. Councillor Donald Gatt
  8. Councillor Donald Gatt
  9. Councillor Donald Gatt
  10. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  11. Councillor Donald Gatt
  12. Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
  13. Councillor Donald Gatt
  14. Councillor Donald Gatt
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  1. Councillor Donald Gatt
  2. Councillor Donald Gatt
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor Donald Gatt
  2. Councillor Donald Gatt
  3. Councillor Donald Gatt
  4. Councillor Donald Gatt
  5. Councillor Donald Gatt
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  1. Councillor Donald Gatt
  2. Councillor Donald Gatt
  3. Councillor Donald Gatt
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor Donald Gatt
  2. Councillor Donald Gatt
  3. Councillor Donald Gatt
  4. Councillor Donald Gatt
  5. Councillor Donald Gatt
  6. Councillor Donald Gatt
  7. Councillor Donald Gatt
  8. Councillor Donald Gatt
  9. Councillor Donald Gatt
  10. Councillor Donald Gatt
  11. Councillor Donald Gatt
  12. Councillor Donald Gatt
  13. Councillor Donald Gatt
  14. Webcast Finished

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