Grampian Valuation Joint Board - Friday 28 June 2024, 9:30am - Moray Council Webcasting
Grampian Valuation Joint Board
Friday, 28th June 2024 at 9:30am
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Donald Gatt
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
2. Declaration of Member's Interests
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Agenda item :
3. Minutes of meeting held 26 January 2024
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
4. Appointment of Depute Convener
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Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
5. GVJB - External Audit Plan 2023-24
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
6. Informing the audit risk assessment for GVJB 2023-24
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
7. Unaudited Annual Accounts for 2023-24 Report
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
8. Revenue Budget Monitoring Statement for the period 1 April to 31 May 2024
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Lorraine Paisey, Chief Fin Off
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
9. Appointment of Depute Electoral Registration Officer
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
10. Governance
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
11. Electoral Registration
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Donald Gatt
Caroline O'Connor - Clerk
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
12. Risk Management
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
13. Valuation Roll and Council Tax Valuation List
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
14. Complaints handling performance
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Agenda item :
15. Staff Vacancies Recruitment and Upskilling Existing Staff
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Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Councillor Donald Gatt
Webcast Finished
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