Planning and Regulatory Services Committee - Tuesday 15 August 2023, 9:30am - Timeline Tab - Moray Council Webcasting

Planning and Regulatory Services Committee
Tuesday, 15th August 2023 at 9:30am 









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  1. Councillor David Gordon
  2. Tracey Sutherland, Clerk
  3. Councillor David Gordon
  4. Tracey Sutherland, Clerk
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor David Gordon
  2. Councillor David Gordon
  3. Councillor David Gordon
  4. Councillor David Gordon
  5. Councillor David Gordon
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  1. Councillor David Gordon
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Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor David Gordon
  2. Neal MacPherson, Planning
  3. Councillor David Gordon
  4. Neal MacPherson, Planning
  5. Councillor David Gordon
  6. Neal MacPherson, Planning
  7. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  8. Councillor David Gordon
  9. Neal MacPherson, Planning
  10. Councillor David Gordon
  11. Councillor Derek Ross
  12. Councillor David Gordon
  13. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  14. Councillor David Gordon
  15. Councillor David Gordon
  16. Councillor David Gordon
  17. Councillor David Gordon
  18. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  19. Councillor David Gordon
  20. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  21. Councillor David Gordon
  22. Councillor David Gordon
  23. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  24. Councillor David Gordon
  25. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  26. Councillor David Gordon
  27. Neal MacPherson, Planning
  28. Councillor David Gordon
  29. Neal MacPherson, Planning
  30. Councillor David Gordon
  31. Neal MacPherson, Planning
  32. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  33. Councillor David Gordon
  34. Gary Templeton, Planning
  35. Councillor David Gordon
  36. Councillor Paul McBain
  37. Councillor David Gordon
  38. Councillor Paul McBain
  39. Councillor David Gordon
  40. Councillor David Gordon
  41. Councillor Paul McBain
  42. Councillor Paul McBain
  43. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  44. Councillor David Gordon
  45. Neal MacPherson, Planning
  46. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  47. Councillor David Gordon
  48. Neal MacPherson, Planning
  49. Councillor David Gordon
  50. Councillor Paul McBain
  51. Councillor David Gordon
  52. Councillor Paul McBain
  53. Neal MacPherson, Planning
  54. Councillor David Gordon
  55. Councillor Paul McBain
  56. Councillor David Gordon
  57. Councillor Derek Ross
  58. Councillor David Gordon
  59. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  60. Councillor David Gordon
  61. Neal MacPherson, Planning
  62. Councillor David Gordon
  63. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  64. Councillor David Gordon
  65. Councillor Derek Ross
  66. Councillor David Gordon
  67. Councillor David Gordon
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  1. Councillor Paul McBain
  2. Councillor David Gordon
  3. Councillor Scott Lawrence
  4. Councillor David Gordon
  5. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  6. Councillor David Gordon
  7. Andrew Miller, Snr Planning Off
  8. Gary Templeton, Planning
  9. Councillor David Gordon
  10. Councillor David Gordon
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  1. Beverley Smith, Manager (DSBM)
  2. Councillor David Gordon
  3. Councillor David Gordon
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor David Gordon
  2. Officer
  3. Councillor David Gordon
  4. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  5. Councillor David Gordon
  6. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  7. Councillor David Gordon
  8. Councillor David Gordon
  9. Councillor Donald Gatt
  10. Councillor David Gordon
  11. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  12. Councillor David Gordon
  13. Councillor Donald Gatt
  14. Councillor David Gordon
  15. Councillor Paul McBain
  16. Councillor David Gordon
  17. Officer
  18. Councillor David Gordon
  19. Officer
  20. Councillor David Gordon
  21. Councillor Paul McBain
  22. Councillor Paul McBain
  23. Councillor David Gordon
  24. Councillor Paul McBain
  25. Councillor David Gordon
  26. Councillor David Gordon
  27. Officer
  28. Councillor David Gordon
  29. Officer
  30. Councillor David Gordon
  31. Councillor Scott Lawrence
  32. Councillor David Gordon
  33. Councillor John Cowe
  34. Councillor David Gordon
  35. Councillor John Cowe
  36. Councillor David Gordon
  37. Councillor David Gordon
  38. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  39. Councillor David Gordon
  40. Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
  41. Councillor David Gordon
  42. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  43. Councillor David Gordon
  44. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  45. Councillor David Gordon
  46. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  47. Councillor David Gordon
  48. Councillor David Gordon
  49. Officer
  50. Councillor David Gordon
  51. Aileen Scott, Legal Adviser
  52. Councillor David Gordon
  53. Councillor Marc Macrae
  54. Councillor David Gordon
  55. Officer
  56. Councillor David Gordon
Share this agenda point
  1. Officer
  2. Councillor David Gordon
  3. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  4. Councillor David Gordon
  5. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  6. Councillor David Gordon
  7. Councillor David Gordon
  8. Gary Templeton, Planning
  9. Councillor David Gordon
  10. Gary Templeton, Planning
  11. Councillor David Gordon
  12. Councillor Sandy Keith
  13. Councillor David Gordon
  14. Councillor Marc Macrae
  15. Councillor David Gordon
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor David Gordon
  2. Gary Templeton, Planning
  3. Councillor David Gordon
  4. Councillor Donald Gatt
  5. Councillor David Gordon
  6. Gary Templeton, Planning
  7. Councillor David Gordon
  8. Councillor David Gordon
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor David Gordon
  2. Officer
  3. Councillor David Gordon
  4. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  5. Councillor David Gordon
  6. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  7. Councillor David Gordon
  8. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  9. Officer
  10. Councillor David Gordon
  11. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  12. Councillor David Gordon
  13. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  14. Councillor David Gordon
  15. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  16. Councillor David Gordon
  17. Councillor David Gordon
  18. Officer
  19. Councillor David Gordon
  20. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  21. Councillor David Gordon
  22. Beverley Smith, Manager (DSBM)
  23. Councillor David Gordon
  24. Officer
  25. Councillor David Gordon
  26. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  27. Councillor David Gordon
  28. Councillor David Gordon
  29. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  30. Councillor David Gordon
  31. Councillor David Gordon
  32. Councillor David Gordon
  33. Councillor David Gordon
  34. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  35. Councillor David Gordon
  36. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  37. Councillor David Gordon
  38. Councillor David Gordon
  39. Councillor Donald Gatt
  40. Councillor David Gordon
  41. Councillor David Gordon
  42. Councillor Paul McBain
  43. Councillor David Gordon
  44. Councillor Paul McBain
  45. Councillor David Gordon
  46. Councillor Paul McBain
  47. Councillor David Gordon
  48. Officer
  49. Councillor David Gordon
  50. Councillor Donald Gatt
  51. Councillor David Gordon
  52. Officer
  53. Councillor David Gordon
  54. Councillor David Gordon
  55. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  56. Councillor David Gordon
  57. Officer
  58. Councillor David Gordon
  59. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  60. Councillor David Gordon
  61. Councillor Sandy Keith
  62. Councillor David Gordon
  63. Officer
  64. Councillor David Gordon
  65. Councillor Sandy Keith
  66. Councillor David Gordon
  67. Councillor Donald Gatt
  68. Councillor David Gordon
  69. Officer
  70. Councillor David Gordon
  71. Councillor Marc Macrae
  72. Councillor David Gordon
  73. Officer
  74. Councillor David Gordon
  75. Councillor David Gordon
  76. Eily Webster, Snr Planning Off
  77. Councillor David Gordon
  78. Councillor Marc Macrae
  79. Councillor David Gordon
Share this agenda point
  1. Officer
  2. Councillor David Gordon
  3. Councillor Marc Macrae
  4. Councillor David Gordon
Share this agenda point
  1. Eily Webster, Snr Planning Off
  2. Councillor David Gordon
  3. Eily Webster, Snr Planning Off
  4. Councillor David Gordon
Share this agenda point
  1. Officer
  2. Councillor David Gordon
  3. Councillor David Gordon
  4. Councillor Jeremie Fernandes
  5. Councillor David Gordon
  6. Officer
  7. Councillor David Gordon
  8. Officer
  9. Councillor David Gordon
  10. Councillor David Gordon
  11. Councillor Marc Macrae
  12. Councillor David Gordon
  13. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  14. Councillor David Gordon
  15. Councillor Marc Macrae
  16. Councillor David Gordon
  17. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  18. Councillor David Gordon
  19. Eily Webster, Snr Planning Off
  20. Aileen Scott, Legal Adviser
  21. Councillor David Gordon
  22. Councillor Sandy Keith
  23. Councillor David Gordon
  24. Councillor Derek Ross
  25. Councillor David Gordon
  26. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  27. Councillor David Gordon
  28. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  29. Councillor David Gordon
  30. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  31. Councillor David Gordon
  32. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  33. Councillor David Gordon
  34. Councillor Derek Ross
  35. Councillor David Gordon
  36. Aileen Scott, Legal Adviser
  37. Councillor David Gordon
  38. Councillor Derek Ross
  39. Councillor David Gordon
  40. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  41. Councillor David Gordon
  42. Councillor David Gordon
  43. Councillor David Gordon
  44. Councillor David Gordon
  45. Councillor Marc Macrae
  46. Councillor David Gordon
  47. Councillor David Gordon
  48. Councillor Marc Macrae
  49. Officer
  50. Councillor David Gordon
  51. Councillor David Gordon
  52. Councillor David Gordon
  53. Councillor Paul McBain
  54. Councillor David Gordon
  55. Councillor David Gordon
  56. Councillor Paul McBain
  57. Councillor Paul McBain
  58. Councillor David Gordon
  59. Councillor Paul McBain
  60. Councillor David Gordon
  61. Councillor David Gordon
  62. Councillor Paul McBain
  63. Eily Webster, Snr Planning Off
  64. Councillor David Gordon
  65. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  66. Councillor David Gordon
  67. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  68. Councillor Paul McBain
  69. Councillor David Gordon
  70. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  71. Councillor David Gordon
  72. Gary Templeton, Planning
  73. Councillor David Gordon
  74. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  75. Councillor David Gordon
  76. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  77. Eily Webster, Snr Planning Off
  78. Councillor David Gordon
  79. Councillor Draeyk Van Der Horn
  80. Councillor David Gordon
  81. Jim Grant, Head of EG&D
  82. Councillor David Gordon
Share this agenda point
  1. Councillor Marc Macrae
  2. Councillor David Gordon
  3. Councillor Marc Macrae
  4. Councillor David Gordon
  5. Councillor Marc Macrae
  6. Councillor David Gordon
  7. Councillor David Gordon
  8. Officer
  9. Councillor David Gordon
  10. Officer
  11. Councillor David Gordon
  12. Councillor David Gordon
  13. Councillor Marc Macrae
  14. Councillor David Gordon
  15. Councillor Derek Ross
  16. Councillor David Gordon
  17. Councillor Derek Ross
  18. Councillor David Gordon
  19. Councillor Derek Ross
  20. Councillor David Gordon
  21. Councillor David Gordon
  22. Councillor David Gordon
  23. Councillor Derek Ross
  24. Councillor David Gordon
  25. Councillor Derek Ross
  26. Councillor David Gordon
  27. Officer
  28. Councillor David Gordon
  29. Councillor David Gordon
  30. Gary Templeton, Planning
  31. Councillor David Gordon
  32. Councillor David Gordon
  33. Webcast Finished